Poison message handling RabbitMQ
Poison message handling RabbitMQ
Poison message handling in RabbitMQ it is available as of RabbitMQ 3.8.0, by using the new type of queue: Quorum Queues.
Quorum queue support handling of poison messages, that is, messages that cause a consumer to repeatedly requeue a delivery (possibly due to a consumer failure) such that the message is never consumed completely and positively acknowledged so that it can be marked for deletion by RabbitMQ.
Be aware, some features are not currently supported by quorum queues:
Quorum queues keep track of the number of unsuccessful delivery attempts and expose it in the "x-delivery-count" header that is included with any redelivered message.
It is possible to set a delivery limit for a queue using a policy argument, delivery-limit. When a message has been returned more times than the limit the message will be dropped or dead-lettered (if a DLX is configured).
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