Git branching strategies for a microservice-oriented application

Git branching strategies for a microservice-oriented application

    A microservice-oriented application is a suite of independently deployable, highly cohesive and decentralized services. This may be the result of a brownfield approach (migrating an existing monolithic application into a microservice-oriented application) or of a greenfield approach (developed from the beginning as a microservice-oriented application).

    The codebase of a microservice-oriented application can be stored in a mono-repo or in a multi-repo approach. Mono-repo refers to a version control strategy in which all applications within an organization are stored in a single repository. Multi-repo, on the other hand, involves using multiple repositories to store and manage applications.

    Pros of mono-repo:

  • lowers barriers of entry for new team members
  • centrally located code management
  • painless application-wide refactoring
  • more difficult to break adjacent functionality
  • teams share development culture
    Cons of mono-repo:
  • feature branches can get out of control
  • slower development cycles
  • requires download of the entire codebase
  • unmodified libraries may be newly versioned
  • forking is more difficult

    Pros of multi-repo:
  • independent service/library versioning
  • independent service/library releasing
  • helps define access control across the organization
  • allows teams to work autonomously
    Cons of multi-repo:
  • dependency management can get difficult
  • code duplication happens more often
  • changes can span multiple repositories
  • versioning and dependency management can become complex
  • separation of concerns can fail
  • end to end tests in CI are hard to get right

    A microservice-oriented application can be deployed in a continuous delivery or in a continuous deployment approach. This are the Git branching contenders to watch as the CD race heats up:

    - Git Flow Workflow

    - GitLab Flow Workflow

    - GitHub Flow Workflow

    - Git Feature Branch Workflow

    - Git Forking Workflow

    For single environment deployment applications, the following git branching strategies are recommended: Git Feature Branch Workflow, GitHub Flow Workflow.

    As a side note, for open-source applications, the Git Forking Workflow is commonly used to allow external contributors to work without direct access to the repository.

    For multi-env deployment applications, the following git branching strategies are recommended: GitLab Flow Workflow, Git Flow Workflow. 

    The Git Flow Workflow is a very complex workflow. It should only be used in the development of a complex microservice-oriented application with multi-env deployment that is explicitly versioned or in need of supporting multiple versions at the same time.

    Some tips that apply to any of the above git branching strategies:

  • use Git LFS for large files while using .gitignore and .gitattributes to protect your repository from large files
  • in a good workflow, the feature, hotfix and bugfix branches are deleted once they are merged back into the source branch to avoid a mess of outdated and not finished branches

Enjoy (ง°ل͜°)ง


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